some of the sketches in the Urban Sketchers London Flickr Group |
This is the Group Pool of the Flickr Group associated with Urban Sketchers London.
These are the new people who have been accepted as members of the Urban Sketchers London Flickr Group. I've included links to their current photostreams - obviously their individual Flickr accounts are not all sketches nor are they all of London. However you can see the type of sketches people are producing - just as you can in the group pool.
- Nick Kobyluch - see http://www.flickr.com/photos/nickk-drawings/
- Shih Jhih-Ren aka Lion Ren - http://www.flickr.com/photos/lion_ren/
- Michelle Salamon http://www.flickr.com/photos/michellesalamon/
- Jonathan J Dixon http://www.flickr.com/photos/jjdixon/
- Paul Alcock http://www.flickr.com/photos/paulalcock/with/9314616669/
- Meredith Moore http://www.flickr.com/photos/95995132@N03/
If you'd like to join the Flickr Group please read the rules - see the rules towards the bottom of this post.
I'm afraid they're a tad on the stern side as we've had some examples of people who didn't read or ignored the rules and swamped the Group Poll with images which did not fit the scope of this group! So we decided to be crystal clear!
Then, if you think your sketching fits with what we want to see and share all you need to do is apply to join!
- You do need a Flickr account - but that's free.
- Plus we need to be able to see examples of your sketches of London.
- If you've got a lot of diverse images please don't make us search. Instead you can create a set of London sketches and give us the link to that.
Please note:
- we process applications to join in batches so you won't get an instant response
- you don't need to be a member of our Flickr Group to join our sketchcrawls. However we do like to see your sketches from the sketchcrawls in our Flickr Group so please highlight if you've been on one.
Post sketches of London ONLY
Please note that this Group Pool is for sketches done from observation and on location in London ONLY.
It is also essential that all members of Urban Sketchers London on Flickr read the rules - as requested - before posting to the group.
The purpose of the Group Pool is to show off what London looks like. Thus the Urban Sketchers London Group Pool is NOT the place for any sketches which are:
* done on holiday (ie not in London and not of London); and/or
* of your friends in your own home; and/or
* the interior of your home in London; and/or
* people who are posing for you; and/or
* done from photos
Members draw London from the window of their homes, standing in the street, sitting in an art gallery, from a cafe, at a park or on the river - but sketches and drawings must always be done on location, not from photos or memory.
Make sure all your posts comply with these rules:
• You did the drawing from observation and on location IN LONDON, not from photos or memory. Please Note: Membership may be terminated without notice if you repeatedly post sketches to the group pool of places other than London.
• You have written the location of the sketch IN LONDON in the headline or caption or placed the image on your public Flickr map.
* The only photos of places which can be posted to the Group MUST relate to Urban Sketchers London Sketchcrawls - and be taken on the date of the sketchcrawl
• No sketches from figure drawing sessions or posed models
* No objects or figures without a location context which is a place in London will be posted to the Group Pool (ie sketches of people in locations are OK; sketches of people in isolation are not)
If you have any queries please do get in touch and we'll be happy to clarify whether or not a sketch is OK or not.
If you post any sketches which do not appear to comply with Group rules you will be asked to removed them. We only ask once and there are no reminders.
If you fail to remove all sketches which do not fit with the theme of this Group your membership will be suspended until they are removed.
Don't worry if all your sketches comply with the rules but please do review your sketches uploaded to the Group Pool if you think you may have made a mistake.
Urban Sketchers London (Moderator)

New members of the Urban Sketchers London Flickr Group
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