Monday 18 June 2018

We drew Three Mills Island - May 2018

(Steven Baker writes) It turned out to be the perfect sunny day - after months of worrying we might have typical dreary English weather. We were taking a bit of a risk with this location, with limited facilities and having to hold the event on a Sunday. Thankfully we needn’t have worried - the sun shone and put on its Sunday best for us all. It made for a great day’s sketching at the historic Three Mills Island and the surrounding areas.

The group gathering under the Three Mills Clock Tower.

It was good to see such a fantastic turnout of eager Urban Sketchers.

Back at the Mill House for the lunchtime throw down and customary group photograph. It was great to hear that everyone was enjoying the location and we saw lots of superb midway sketches.

I love this photograph and had to include it - John Webb engrossed in sketching at the side of the River Lee looking towards the Olympic Park. 

We met up back at the Clock Tower again for the final throw down. As usual, everyone had produced some great work showing off the glorious blue skies.

The final group shot. Thanks to everyone who attended.

Then some of us adjourned to The Galvanisers Union pub with nice big tables for us to look through sketchbooks, hear sketchers’ tales of recent adventures, catch up with friends and share some handy tips. That’s what Urban Sketchers is all about, isn’t it?
