Tuesday 20 December 2016

Let's draw in and around Tate Modern - 21 January 2017

View of Switch House by Isabel Carmona

In January 2017 we are meeting to draw in and around Tate Modern, an area with spectacular views of the Thames riverside (we will be opposite St Paul’s and the City of London). The new extension to Tate Modern – the Switch House - is also spectacular and from the top we can enjoy one of London’s best panoramic views. 

Date : Saturday 21st January 2017
Timetable for the day:

  • Start meeting 11 am: Meet at the riverside, below the Tate Modern chimney. In wet conditions we will be just beside the chimney by the riverside entrance to the Tate (to the left of the chimney as you look towards the building).
  • Halfway meeting 1 pm: Meet on the opposite side of Tate Modern, in the new circular terrace just outside the entrance to the new extension, between the Switch House entrance and the Terrace entrance.  If it is wet, we will be just inside the Terrace entrance.  See map of level 1 (http://www.tate.org.uk/download/file/fid/105226
  • Finish meeting point, 3:30 pm: Meet inside, in the middle of the Turbine Hall, level 0,at the bottom of the ramp coming down from the Turbine Hall entrance.
  • Afterwards - meeting point to continue discussions and drinks (and to draw some more if you wish), from around 4pm: Meet at the bar of the Citizen M Hotel in Lavington Street, almost Southwark Street. 

Tate Modern is free of charge (other than for special exhibitions) and there are extensive collection displays in both the Boiler House and the new Switch House extension.  See all you can do here: http://www.tate.org.uk/visit/tate-modern

Drawing possibilities are inexhaustible around here, amongst others you could draw:

  • the riverside with views of the St Paul’s embankment, the Millennium Bridge, 
  • Tate Modern, outside or inside including the Turbine Hall and the new Switch House interior architecture,
  • one of the best views in London from level 10 of the Switch House,
  • the new terrace and mini park by the Terrace entrance
  • People inside, outside the museum and around the cafes, the riverside, everywhere.
Please note the Gallery Rules: http://www.tate.org.uk/about/who-we-are/policies-and-procedures/gallery-rules  which state: ‘The use of charcoal, pastels, permanent marker, and watercolour or oil paint is not allowed in the galleries'.  We have sought clarification and this includes all areas of the building. 

View of St Paul's from Tate Modern by Isabel Carmona

How to get here: There is a map and information about transport and facilities on the Tate website: http://www.tate.org.uk/visit/tate-modern#visit

There are plenty of cafes and sandwich bars for various budgets either inside Tate Modern or around Sumner Street, Convey Street or Southwark Street. The only pub in the area, the Founders Arms serves food but it is normally very busy.

In any case, there is so much to do and see around here and so little time, that you'll be itching to keep on drawing! 

We look forward to this day sketching together in London

Day organisers: Isabel Carmona and Dionisa Joseph Mattam.
