Wednesday 31 May 2023

To remind: Let's draw Richmond Sunday 4 June = and = Let's draw Crystal Palace Park Saturday 17 June or Sunday 2 July 2023


= To remind =

Richmond Green - sketch by John Webb

Let's draw Richmond-upon-Thames Sunday 4 June

We are aiming to reduce the size of our sketching crowds by repeating this session on two different dates. If you missed the first Richmond sketchwalk on Saturday 20 May, come along on the alternative date Sunday 4 June for a day of drawing in this historic and interesting location beside the River Thames. Have a look at our original blog post for all the details. 

See you at Richmond!

Crystal Palace Park in Autumn
Sketch by Lis Watkins

Let's draw Crystal Palace Park Saturday 17 June or Sunday 2 July

Join us on either of the dates above to sketch in Crystal Palace Park. Built in 1852 by Sir Joseph Paxton, the park is situated in South East London and home to the famous Crystal Palace Dinosaurs. You'll find everything you need to know in our original blog post.

See you at Crystal Palace Park!


Let's draw London in 2023 -- Find our full programme here

London by Urban Sketchers - Our 10 Year Anniversary Book

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