Thursday 5 June 2014

James Hobbs at Stoke Newington Literary Festival

Meet James Hobbs (author of Sketch Your World ) in Stoke Newington

In the foyer of Stoke Newington Town Hall (next to Clissold Park)

from 12 noon on Sunday 8th June

Adults and children welcome - get your drawings tweeted!

Sketchbooks by Seawhite of Brighton available
free on first come, first served basis


Monday 2 June 2014

Barbican Centre, London EC2

Lauderdale Tower and Defoe House at the Barbican Centre

Our sketchcrawl from Timberyard Old Street towards Shoreditch was a triumph of meteorological optimism on 24 May: the rain held off (occasionally) and using the Barbican Centre as a giant umbrella over lunchtime saved us getting too sodden. It was great to see familiar and new faces, and to see the drawings people have posted on the Flickr site. Thanks to Nathan, once more, for his organisational feats.
I'll be at the Stoke Newington Literary Festival on Sunday 8 June from 12 noon with copies of Sketch Your World for an informal, free, drop-in and drop-out drawing event in our corner of north London. There's more about it here. No tickets required, and there are free sketchbooks courtesy of Seawhites while stocks last. I'll be glad to see you there.
