(Olga Mackness writes)
On the 5th of October 2019 we have met at London Guildhall to draw this wonderful building and many others in the area.
As we were getting ready at 11.00 am and Katy Evans and I were doing introduction speeches - a carriage appeared from the "backstage". It was as if we were back in time watching some noble person to arrive. However the carriage has been pulled by landrower car and few men.
The timing was perfect and I think it was one of the most spectacular openings of the Urban Sketchers London meetings.
Sketch credit to Cal Hoy. Beautiful object to draw. Lord Major's carriage, in the museum hall.
In the morning all went exploring the area - finding many different architecture styles to draw. Many concentrated by the Guildhall - producing many lovely sketches.
Zane's chosen Bank of England
One of the sketchers drawing - watercolour was popular choice of medium on the day.
The weather was not too cold, not too windy, streets were not too crowded - it was possible to get comfortable and get on with the work.
Guildhall by Monica Phillips.
In the afternoon we have had a group picture taken by St Lawrence Jewry Church.
Pictures show time in the afternoon - photo credit to Zane Karklina
Later in the afternoon everyone enjoyed more sketching, - St Mary Le Bow, St Paul's Cathedral, nearby streets and some panoramic scenery -
Sketch by Martin Stone - roof of One New Change building
Just before we were ready to take 3.30 pm pictures, getting together by the Guildhall - the wedding party came out of the Church. They also wanted to have their photos done near Guildhall. It was a treat to see bride and groom, and the large party, all dressed up, looking happy.
The day felt like a treat, like a party and like a holiday at the same time.
Hope you all enjoyed it.