A lovely sunny day for the Trafalgar Square Sketchcrawl today!
The Square itself provided lots of inspiration for sketchers - this watercolour was by Sheila.
There was a busking event taking place and Jason sketched a number of the musicians.

The youngest artist on the sketchcrawl today was Trini, who at only 9 years old produced some wonderful drawings including this one of Nelson's Column.
At lunchtime, we met up under the Duke of York Column, with the steps becoming a sort of altar for the sketches of the day so far.
The lunchtime group shot with some familiar faces and lots of international visitors on their way to the Manchester symposium.
Watercolour by Michael.
Finding a little shade on a very hot day for London.
At the end of the day outside St.Martin-in-the-Fields.
Thanks to everyone for coming along, we hope you enjoyed it.
Don't forget that there is another sketchcrawl tomorrow (Sunday 24th July), details here -
Next month's sketchcrawl is in Greenwich on Saturday 20th August., meeting up at 11.00 am under the bows of the Cutty Sark.
Full details can be found on the blog on this link -