'Ello London! Been a while since I was last there but I am going to be back home next month, visiting family, drawing things and popping over to Barcelona. I am looking forward to posting London sketches again, I do miss the place. So I thought it would be fun this time to organize a slightly different type of sketchcrawl, midweek in the afternoon to the evening, in the area made infamous by Jack the Ripper. The London of the Ripper's days is, thankfully, long gone, but has not completely vanished - old London still pokes through, and so I thought it might be fun to look for this lost London by using our sketchbooks. Or of course, you can draw the hipsters.
We'll meet at Whitechapel tube station at 3:00pm, and from there take in the High Street, Aldgate, Brick Lane and Spitalfields; latecomers are welcome (and I can let you know how to contact me). We will finally reconvene outside Hawksmoor's Christchurch Spitalfields, on Commercial St, where we will look at each others sketchbooks, and maybe pop into the that most 'Ripper' of pubs, the Ten Bells, for a pint.
Wednesday July 17, 2013
3:00pm, Whitechapel Tube Station
8:30pm, Christchurch Spitalfields
This sketchcrawl is as always FREE and open to anyone with an interest in sketching, all ages and levels. I will provide hand-drawn maps with some vaguely relevant Jack the Ripper info.
Hope to see you there!
Pete Scully

Sketching Jack's London: a sketchcrawl through the Ripper's city