Friday, 24 April 2015

Spring sun, tree shadow

 A few days of warm spring sun. Blossom on the fruit trees, and in London parks horse chestnut leaves are just opening to their full, while other trees are still budding.

It's actually too hot today to sit in the sun, so I sit in the shade, my back to a tree.

It's only at the end of the morning I realise that my subject has not been trees or parkscape, it's been shadow.

Clissold Park - charcoal, inks 42 x 29cm

Clissold Park - charcoal 42 x 29cm



  1. Your beautiful charcoal drawings have captured trees, shadows and sunlight very well.

    You might enjoy seeing photographs of Central Park's trees in my most recent blog post.

    Best wishes.

  2. saying so much with so little :)


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