Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Victoria Park before the games

Crown Estate, Victoria Park, watercolor in 19x19 cm Seawhite of Brighton sketchbook  Trees by St. Agnes Gate, Victoira Park, watercolor in 19x19 cm Seawhite of Brighton sketchbook

Victoria park is ready for the Olympics. I live on the edge of if and have the pleasure using it every day. Sadly it's also the closest big park to the Olympics site and half of it will be roped off by the Olympics activities. It's been daunting to have it all dug up and in construction for the past year and a half but luckily all the improvements are here to stay after the busy summer passes. 

 By the Pavilion cafe, watercolor and Farber-Castell Pitt pen in Seawhile of Brighton sketchbook



  1. How lovely to see an area I know so well - especially the dearly beloved Pavilion Cafe - it does an amazing range of excellent food! Maybe we should organise a Sketchcrawl around the Park after the Games and the mess has been cleared up?

  2. Sounds fantastic! Let's talk about it late August. Hope it's not too much disruption with the games where you live.

  3. I think I'm in an oasis of calm - just so long as I don't actually want to travel anywhere!

  4. Lovely drawings Olha. I've not been to Victoria Park in years, lovely place. There's that long green belt of parks that stretches down to Mile End from there, from around the millennium, with the 'art park' and that 'green bridge' that crosses Mile End Road, I was involved in a performance event for the official opening of it years ago. Must go down & sketch that stretch next time I'm back, with the old canal.

  5. Yes, it's a beautiful stretch of Regent's canal that passes down Victoria park. Would love to host our next sketch crawl there indeed. As long the London transport will function smoothly to get here for all.


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